logistics outsourcing benefits

The Benefits of Logistics Outsourcing

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    Are you looking to enhance your business operations? Many companies find they must do so to remain competitive. A logistics provider serves as a great resource for achieving this goal. The following are some of the many benefits of partnering with a 3rd party logistics company.

    Reduced Costs

    The major reason companies consider outsourcing logistics is that it saves them money. 68% of participants in the 2021 State of Logistics Outsourcing Report state they saved on overall logistics costs by making this move. Doing so allows them to transform certain direct costs into variable costs.

    The company finds they no longer need to invest in spaces and warehouses. Money formerly used for technologies and systems goes to more crucial tasks that only company employees can handle. Additionally, they won’t need to hire employees to handle logistics tasks or worry about implementing safety measures related to these tasks.

    Furthermore, they also get to use transportation management software which allows them to optimize rates, modal conversation, and consolidation.


    Logistics providers focus on only one thing, and their clients benefit from the expertise they gain because of this concentration. They encounter challenges when dealing with their clients and know how to address these challenges promptly. This allows the provider to bring best practices to every interaction with a client.

    In addition, the provider continuously works to improve their service without increasing their cost. To achieve this goal, they employ operators and engineers who regularly analyze their processes and optimize them. They work with a range of industries in different geographic areas and customize solutions based on the industry, the client, and the area.


    Companies find using a logistics provider allows them to adjust internal space and labor to meet increasing demand. When this demand eases off, they adjust the space and labor down based on current need. This ensures logistics costs stay abreast with the revenue stream.

    The provider helps clients build and uplift their distribution capability in new markets. They help gather inventory, interface with existing systems, and have products ready to ship in as little as 30 days.

    They maintain a distribution network at the national or global level, which allows clients to expand their network rapidly in a cost-effective way. When a client needs additional employees, the logistics provider brings in temporary workers to handle the volume spike while keeping costs under control.

    Customer Service

    Customers expect more today. They want to feel as if they are the only client a company has and won’t hesitate to go elsewhere when a business isn’t achieving this goal. Logistics service providers understand this and dedicate all of their attention to the handling of its clients’ freight. The provider identifies problems and corrects them in a timely manner, using tools the clients may not have the ability to access. Customer service improves as a result.

    A company might find they cannot meet the demand for truck drivers and vehicles because of limited supply. Logistics providers have overcome this challenge by ensuring carrier partners always have work. This allows them to provide steady employment and attract talent to their organization.

    Small companies often find it challenging to negotiate with shipping partners because of their size. The logistics provider overcomes their barrier on their behalf, which means customers get better prices and the items they desire in less time.

    As reported by the 2021 State of Logistics Outsourcing Report, most logistics provider clients find they are better able to serve their customers thanks to this partnership. They meet aggressive deadlines with the help of the provider, as it has more resources to pull from.

    Furthermore, companies discover they provide clients with better visibility when working with a 3rd party company offering logistics services. The provider provides tracking information and shares information on any expectations. Customers become less frustrated when they understand where their items are and why there are delays. The company keeps them informed without using up valuable resources to do so, as the logistics provider handles this part of the process.


    Planning becomes easier when a company works with an established logistics provider. The enhanced systems offered by the provider increase real-time visibility. In addition, they allow for sophisticated reporting, which clients find to be of significant benefit. With the help of the reports, planning can take place earlier and be more productive.

    The provider takes over supply chain management so its clients focus on their core business. There is less back-office work for employees of the company and clients receive access to top-technology solutions. Companies often hold off on investing in new technology, as they need the funds for other purposes. When working with a logistics provider, they get the best of both worlds.

    The data captured by this technology benefits clients in several ways. It allows them to analyze operations fully and determine where changes need to be made. The logistics provider employs the team needed to develop, support, and upgrade this software. Clients no longer need to use their equipment, employees, and internal resources for this task.


    Customs tasks overwhelm many businesses. Companies find they benefit from partnering with a logistics provider, as they gain from the provider’s customs consultancy expertise. The provider understands the requirements for exporting products and maintains a network of facilities in other countries. This eases the distribution process. Furthermore, companies find they benefit from facilities in Free Trade Zones and bonded warehouses when working with a logistics provider.

    Risk Management

    Business owners understand the risks associated with their industry. With supply chains, they must adhere to all regulations, take measures to minimize theft, handle damaged products, and operate with a legal carrier. These serve as only a few of the many risks associated with logistics, and business owners remain unaware of countless other hazards.

    A logistics provider understands the risks faced by different industries and has put measures into place to reduce or eliminate them. They vet carriers and ensure the carriers remain in compliance, and more. Business owners find this reduces the burden on them while helping them share liability if something goes wrong.

    Consider partnering with a logistics provider. Companies that do so discover they save time and money. Furthermore, business operations improve in a range of areas, and the company gains in the end. Hire a company with a proven and developed system, such as Your Logistics, to gain the most from the partnership. Those that have already done so are reaping the benefits, and no company wants to miss out.

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